Introduction to NANOTECHNOLOGY l Nano TV: Nanotechnology is the buzz of the world today. Here are some lesser-known facts about this emerging technology:
Did you know that (Introduction to NANOTECHNOLOGY | Nano Tv) the word nano is from the Greek word; Nanos meaning Dwarf. It is a prefix used
to describe; one billionth of something.
A nanometre (nm) is a billionth of a meter or a millionth of a millimeter.
1 nanometre is about 8 times the radius of an atom and 100 times smaller than a bacterial cell.
A human hair is 80,000 nm in diameter.
Nanoscience works on a scale 1000 times smaller than anything that can be seen with an optical
We are already surrounded by billions of nano-particles, such as wind-borne sea salt and chemicals
generated by oceanic plankton.
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