Nanotechnology in Medicine-NANOMEDICINE | Nano Tv: Nanotechnology is the buzz of the world today. Here are some lesser-known facts about this emerging technology:
“One of the most impactful sectors of nanotechnology is nanomedicine. Its impact has been vast and wide and will be making much more leaps in the days to come.
Nanomedicine (Nanotechnology in Medicine-NANOMEDICINE | Nano Tv) is the application of nanotechnology to achieve innovation in healthcare.
Nanomedicine is understood to be a key enabling instrument for personalized, targeted, and regenerative medicine by delivering the next level of new drugs, treatments, and implantable devices to clinicians and patients.
Nanomedicine has the potential to enable early detection and prevention and to drastically improve the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of many diseases including cancer but not only.
Overall, Nanomedicine has nowadays hundreds of products under clinical trials, covering all major diseases including cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, musculoskeletal, and inflammatory.
Enabling technologies in all healthcare areas, Nanomedicine is already accounting for approximately 80 marketed products, ranging from Nano-delivery and pharmaceutical to medical imaging, diagnostics, and biomaterials.
Nanomedicine provides important new tools to deal with the grand challenge of an aging population and is thought to be instrumental for improved and cost-effective healthcare, one crucial factor for making medicines and treatments available and affordable to all.
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